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New Feature: Using Private Git Repositories with AEM as a Cloud Service

In AEM as a Cloud Service or Adobe’s hosted AEM 6.5 product (AEM Managed Services or “AMS”), there has long been a requirement that deploying any code into any Adobe-hosted environment requires first getting that code into Adobe’s hosted git repository.

The reasoning is fairly simple - Adobe’s Cloud Manager CI/CD framework has to run a number of checks on the code, then execute builds on that code from their containerized build service, and then also to be able to tag releases in the repo once production deployments are complete.

Private vs Adobe Repos - Context

There have long been a number of complexities and limitations that AEMaaCS and AMS customers have had to deal with, in using this which has made it a highly-desirable and sought-after feature to be able to use a private git repo with cloud-hosted AEM, such as:

Maintaining two Repos

The Adobe git repo is only a deployment repository. It’s not meant to be the primary git that you work out of to develop your AEM site. It has no SLA for availability or backups. So, in running your project you do have to maintain your own internal repository as well as the Adobe repo for deployment, and then manage the sync between those repos.

Adobe repo lacks features like pull requests

There are a number of features that the Adobe git implementation lacks which makes certain early-stage pipelines a bit challenging. For example, the Adobe git does not have threading or pull requests.

This becomes a problem when the Adobe CI/CD pipeline is the only place where you can really run the full suite of build automation tests that would show up things like security violations, performance degradation, Sonarqube rule violations, etc.
So, if you have a new feature that you want to open a PR on that - say - you think makes the site faster, you have to open that PR on your own Github, your lead has to “approve” it even if we don’t know if it passes build checks, you then commit it through to the Adobe git at which point maybe it FAILS and then your PR was sort of worthless.

Security & User Management

There are no fine-grained controls on the Adobe git to control user management & access. So, you end up needing to implement your own security on your own git, then rely on build automation you create on your end to attempt to limit what branches, commits, changes, etc come through to the Adobe git. It can be done, but just adds an error-prone level of Rube Goldberg complexity.

Private Git Repositories for AEM as a Cloud Service & AMS: What did Adobe Release?

To be clear, this is a first general release of this feature (announced at Adobe Summit this year and in preview with various customers over the past year). As such, it doesn’t support EVERY feature you might want, and there are a number of limitations you should be aware of. But it’s a great step forward for those who live in this world, so I’ll try to outline a few things it can and can’t do.

What You Now Can Do:

What You Can’t Yet Do:

Perfecting your AEM Pipeline

If this looks like something you might want to try yourself, the documentation is here on how to get started with self-managed Github in AEM.

However, if you’re not sure if this is something that you want to implement or not, or have other deployment or CI/CD worries you want to chat about, I’m happy to talk!

Also, for more on the subject (if you like podcasts), our CTO Dwayne Hale and I here discuss the merits and demerits of running cloud vs self-hosted AEM gear.

Tad Reeves

Principal Architect at Arbory Digital

AEM Architect & DevOps guy with 14 years experience on AEM/CQ and 25+ years in systems infrastructure. He’s been mountain biking longer than he’s been doing system administration, and though originally from Maine, makes his home in the mountains of Northwest Georgia.

Contact Tad on Linkedin

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