How to Tail AEM, Dispatcher and CDN Logs on AEM as a Cloud Service
In order to monitor or debug AEM environments (or virtually any web environment) one needs data, and that data generally comes from server logs. The only way to aggregate all of the logs coming out of an instance in AEM as a Cloud Service is with Splunk, but if you don’t have that set up yet there a way
At this point, to get access to your AEM logs is one of two ways:
- You can download whole logs out of Cloud Manager, and view them on your local, or
- You can use the Adobe I/O Cloud Manager CLI to tail logs on any of your AEM as a Cloud Service instances.
If one is doing active development on an AEM instance (particularly RDE environments which are typically used as shared dev environments for AEM development teams) even if one isn’t able to do critical time-correlation, graphing, historical queries, and all the other things you do with a log aggregator.
Additionally, because the logging needs to rattle through Adobe’s onboard Splunk instances there will be occasional lags between when the logs are generated on the AEM end and when they appear on the command line.
So, here are the steps to go through to tail logs on an AEM as a Cloud Service environment:
Step 1: Adobe IO Access for Cloud Manager
The first step you’ll want to check is to make sure your Adobe account is provisioned with access to create a service integration on Adobe IO with Cloud Manager. If you go to with your Adobe ID and create a new project, select “Add an API”. You should see “Cloud Manager” under Experience Cloud in the list of integrations available to you.
In order to get into Adobe IO console, you will need to have “Developer” permissions on Cloud Manager, set up by your Adobe Admin Console administrator.
Step 2: Create an Adobe IO Project for your Cloud Manager (and logs) Access
Select OAuth Server-to-Server authentication as the type of authentication you’ll need. Previously the AIO plugin used JWT credentials, but these are being phased out by Adobe in favor of much-easier-to-implement-and-maintain OAuth.
Then, tell the integration what services it will get access to:
Step 3: Install the Adobe IO Runtime
This page gives the full installation instructions for installing the Adobe IO runtime. But in short, after installing NodeJS on your workstation, you:
$ npm install -g @adobe/aio-cli
Post install, you should see:
$ aio -v
@adobe/aio-cli/10.0.0 linux-x64 node-v20.10.0
Step 4: Install & Configure the Adobe IO Cloud Manager CLI Plugin
The full install instructions are here, but in short, run:
$ aio plugins:install @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-cloudmanager
Step 5: Select your Org & Environment
Authenticate to your environment with:
$ aio cloudmanager:org:select
Get your programID for the program you’re working in with:
$ aio cloudmanager:list-programs
Program Id Name Enabled
────────── ───────────────────────────────────── ───────
100007 TestCorp AEM Site true
Set that program as your default program for AIO:
aio config:set cloudmanager_programid 100007
Authenticate to your environment with:
$ aio cloudmanager:list-environments
Environment Id Name Type Description
────────────── ───────────────────────────────────────── ──── ───────────
1000001 my-rde-env rde
1000003 my-dev-env dev
Step 6: List Logs from an Environment
Note the number that each of your environments have as an Environment ID. If you use this ID you can list what logs are available for that environment.
Note that in addition to the AEM access, request and error logs and dispatcher logs that you’re used to, one can also tail the CDN logs here, which is huge for debugging cache-hit ratios and the like.
$ aio cloudmanager:list-available-log-options 1000003
Environment Id Service Name
────────────── ────────── ─────────────
1000003 author aemaccess
1000003 author aemerror
1000003 author aemrequest
1000003 author cdn
1000003 publish aemaccess
1000003 publish aemerror
1000003 publish aemrequest
1000003 publish cdn
1000003 dispatcher httpdaccess
1000003 dispatcher httpderror
1000003 dispatcher aemdispatcher
Step 7: Tail the Desired Log
aio cloudmanager:tail-log 1000003 author aemacces
[cm-p1234-e10001-aem-author-674d744bf5-q862v] *INFO* [ [1591669210392] POST /content/dam.initiateUpload.json HTTP/1.1] com.adobe.cq.assetcompute.impl.servlet.InitiateUploadAssetServlet initiate upload asset: Mountain Biking the Uetliberg in Zurich.mp4, size: 74013446, mimeType: video/mp4 09.06.2020 02:20:10.397 [cm-p1234-e10001-aem-author-674d744bf5-q862v] *INFO* [ [1591669210392] POST /content/dam.initiateUpload.json HTTP/1.1] com.adobe.cq.assetcompute.impl.servlet.InitiateUploadAssetServlet initiate upload complete asset : Mountain Biking the Uetliberg in Zurich.mp4, size: 74013446, mimeType: video/mp4
It’s cumbersome, it has a lot of steps, and no, it’s not Splunk. But it’s far better than nothing and is definitely needed if you’ll be doing any sort of development work on the instance.
Hopefully this helps you out!
About The Author
Tad Reeves
Principal Architect at Arbory Digital
AEM Architect & DevOps guy with 14 years experience on AEM/CQ and 25+ years in systems infrastructure.
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