News from Adobe HQ in Basel: AEM Managed CDN, Edge Delivery and the Launch of Content Hub
I recently returned from a month in Europe with my family, and as a part of this work/play trip I had the opportunity to meet with a number of Adobe engineers & leaders at the Adobe HQ in Basel, Switzerland.
In today’s episode of Arbory Digital’s Update from the Forest, we’re going to discuss a few things that came out of the discussions in Switzerland.
- The launch of Adobe's AEM Assets Content Hub: it was fortuitous timing that the day I visited Adobe was also the launch day for AEM Assets new feature - Content Hub. I got to talk at length with Assets Product Manager Greg Klebus on the subject - and if you’ve ever spent time implementing (or attempting to implement ) AEM Brand Portal, you’ll certainly want to check out Content Hub. Heck, I spent a year supporting a whole AEM site & Assets implementation which totally could have been supported entirely OOTB with Content Hub. Do check it out.
- Adobe's Managed CDN for AEM as a Cloud Service & Edge Delivery: If you’re running Cloud Service, and ESPECIALLY if you’ve got any Edge Delivery sites, you’re going to have a bunch of backend routing to handle to make all of your various publishing & data backends work. Previously, you’d have had to do this all on your own with your own CDN - but now Adobe has a solution that you can get early-access to called Managed CDN. I’m midst getting that provisioned on one of my customer sites now, will let you know what I think once I’ve gotten to kick the tires!
- Edge Delivery & AEM: Importing into the JCR: While at Adobe Summit, I got a chance to do a lab with Dirk on AEM’s new Universal Editor. An interesting item which came out of further discussion on such is that there is a branch of the AEM Importer for Edge Delivery which can take scraped content, turn it into blocks, and then structure it as a JCR package that can be imported into an AEM Author for use in Universal Editor-driven “Crosswalk” sites.
- NEW SECRET STUFF on tooling for Edge Delivery with localization & AEM Assets integration (that’s about all I can say on such for now but it’s SO COOL)
- Meeting old friends and new from Swiss & German AEM projects.
Go ahead and give it a watch!
Please give our podcast a listen, and reach out if you’d like to discuss how new infrastructure models like this might work for your environment! Please reach out!
Tad Reeves
Principal Architect at Arbory Digital
AEM Architect & DevOps guy with 14 years experience on AEM/CQ and 25+ years in systems infrastructure. He’s been mountain biking longer than he’s been doing system administration, and though originally from Maine, makes his home in the mountains of Northwest Georgia.
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